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What We Offer

Whether you are buying a new home, condo, townhouse, commercial property or selling your current home, we offer a full suite of inspections to suite your needs. 
Contact us today and we can provide a personalized quote based on your property.

Residential Inspections

Let us at 5 Star, provide you a report that is comprehensive and 100 truthful to the home. Remember we work for you, our client. From potential major issues to minor maintenance, your report is customized to your home. Each report is fully photo documented and easy to read tp provide clarity to the decision process.

New Construction Inspections

Homes are very complex with many people working together to build your home. Unfortunately many times small things get overlooked, even on brand new homes. Let us find those problems before you move in, so you sit back and enjoy your dream home.

Commercial Inspections

5 Star performs small commercial property inspections also known as Property Condition Reports. Our reports discuss all major building systems and site improvements and include a reserve Replacement Table as well as an Immediate Replacement Table. The immediate Replacement table identifies capital needs and prices all failing or damaged building systems and life safety issues. Commercial report are different from residential reports and our staff is trained to identify these differences.
Call us for additional information or a quote.

Pre-Sale Inspections

Let us inspect your home before you list it. When you know the concerns, you can address them ahead of time. Not only does this reduce last minute negotiations, you can get more for your home, and sell faster. Your inspection can be transferred to the buyer for a nominal fee, saving them hundreds. This also provides them with our exclusive warranty, allowing you to elevate your home from other homes on the market.

© 2024   5 Star Property Solutions

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